Mass Purchase Program for Single-Day Tickets

  1. Bulk orders start at 50 pieces or more.

  2. Each ticket is priced at TWD $250.

  3. Exhibitors should visit the G-EIGHT Exhibitors' Site to complete the [Bulk Ticket Purchase Application] form and provide a description of the purpose of purchase.

  4. The application process for additional purchases is as follows:

    1. Please visit the G-EIGHT Exhibitors' Site and complete the [Bulk Ticket Purchase Application] by October 15, 2024 (Tue).

    2. Remittance of the additional fee will be completed within seven days of submitting the application.

    3. Return Information: The completed form should be stamped with an invoice stamp and uploaded with the remittance information.

    4. The applicant team will confirm receipt of remittance before the application is considered complete.

  5. An invitation code will be issued and must be converted to an e-ticket before event admission.

Last updated