IV. Badge Regulation

1.Exhibition Details

  1. Number of exhibition badges issued: four Exhibition badges will be issued for a 3M*3M booth (i.e., 9 sq. meter booth area). Two additional badges will be issued for each additional booth for up to a maximum of 20 Badges, as shown in the table below:

Program NameNumber of Exhibition Grids (3M*3M)Number of Sheets

Mythic package

9 cells


Legendary package

6 cells


Epic package

4 cells


Rare package

2 cells


Perfect package

1 cell


2.How to collect your exhibitor’s badge: Please present your business card at the organizer's Service Counter/Registration/Information Counter on November 27–28, 2024 (Wed/Thur) when entering the venue.

2.Creators’ Zone Exhibit

  1. Number of sheets issued:

    • Four exhibitor badges will be issued for each Standard Developer’s Package.

    • Two exhibitor badges will be issued per unit for the Economy Developer’s Package.

  2. How to collect: Please present your business card at the organizer's Service Counter/Registration/ Information Counter on November 28, 2024 (Thu) when entering the venue for set-up.

  3. If you would like to acquire additional exhibitor badges, the maximum number you can purchase is 10: each of which is TWD $1,500 (before tax). The application process is as follows:

    1. Please visit the G-EIGHT Exhibitors' Site and complete the [Additional Exhibition Badge Application] form before October 15, 2024 (Tue).

    2. Remittance of the additional fee will be completed within seven days of submitting the application.

    3. Return Information: The completed form should be stamped with an invoice stamp and uploaded along with the remittance information.

    4. The applicant team will confirm receipt of remittance before the application is considered complete.

  4. Usage Requirements:

    1. During the admissions period (November 27, 2024 to November 28, 2024), exhibitors should wear their exhibitor badges before entering the exhibition hall.

    2. During the exhibition period (November 29, 2024, to December 01, 2024), all visitors must wear a work permit to enter the exhibition hall.

Last updated