1.Corporate Registration

1.1. Package Details

Program NameBooth ContentsBooth Design Layout

1 cell

Perfect Package

Model A

● Single-unit custom booth design by the organizer: model A

● Shell scheme

● Non-woven carpet

● Five clip lamps

● Basic power socket 110V/5A: one set

● Furniture (two high bar chairs)

● Fascia output side

● Poster output side

1 cell

Perfect Package Model B

● Single-unit custom booth design by the organizer: model B

● Shell scheme

● Non-woven carpet

● Three clip lamps

● Basic power socket 110V/5A: one set

● Furniture (one table, one tablecloth, two folding chairs)

● Lockable storage room (with one set of three shelves)

● Poster output side

1 cell

Perfect Package

Model C

● Single-unit custom booth design by the organizer: model C

● Shell scheme

● Non-woven carpet

● Five clip lamps

● Basic power socket 110V/5A: one set

● Furniture (three high bar chairs)

● Fascia output side

● Poster output side

2 cells

Rare Package

Model A

● Double-unit custom booth design by the organizer: model A

● Shell scheme

● Non-woven carpet

● Ten clip lamps

● Basic power 110V/5A: two power sockets

● Furniture (five high bar chairs)

● Fascia output on both sides 5

● Poster output on both sides(one large and one small)

2 cells

Rare Package

Model B

● Double-unit custom booth design by the organizer: model B

● Shell scheme

● Non-woven carpet

● Six clip lamps

● Basic power 110V/5A: two power sockets

● Furniture (two tables, two towels, four folding chairs)

● Lockable storage room (with one set of three shelves)

● Poster outputs both sides

4 cells

Epic Package

(Limit of 5)

● 36square meters of raw space

● Basic power socket 110V/10A: one set ● Booth partition and basic equipment not included

Depending on the design

6 cells

Legendary Package

(Limit of 6)

● 54square meters of raw space

● Basic Power Socket 110V/10A: one set

● Boothpartition and basic equipment not included

Depending on the design

9 cells

Mythic Package

(Limit of 4)

● 81square meters of raw space

● Basic Power Socket 110V/10A: one set

● Booth partition and basic equipment not included

Depending on the design

  1. For exhibitors who have selected the Perfect Package and Rare Package, please contact Mr. Thomas Chang from Customer Service at 2b@geight.io if you plan to decorate your booth yourself. Please note that there will be no change in the program fee if you choose to decorate your 6own booth. The organizer will provide basic electricity and a set number of power sockets. They will restore the booth to its original condition after the event without any customization or adjustments to the original decoration. Please ensure to read and submit the relevant documents on time if you decide to decorate your own booth.

1.2. Registration Process

  1. Please complete the following information by signing and affixing the riding seal in duplicate form.

    • Co-operation Agreement (both parties' seal).

    • Application Form and Exhibitor's Statement (a company seal must be stamped after completing the form).

    • Notice and Consent Form for the Collection of Personal Data (signed by the contact person).

    • G-EIGHT Game Expo 2024 Exhibitor Handbook.

  2. Send the above information by registered mail before August 31, 2024, to: G-EIGHT Inc., 6F, No. 253, Siwei Road, Linkou District, New Taipei City, Taiwan.

  3. The exhibition fee payment is required to complete the registration process.

1.3.Payment Terms

  1. Exhibitors pay 50% of the total fee as a deposit 30 days after signing the contract.

  2. Exhibitors pay 50% of the total fee by October 25, 2024, in full.

  3. Exhibitors who register after 09/01/2024 must pay the full amount by 10/25/2024.

  4. Failure to pay the deposit or booth fee within the cancellation policy period will be considered a forfeit of your booth reservation. The organizer reserves the right to cancel your booth without refunding any amount paid while re-allocating the booth to another exhibitor.

  5. Only available via remittance. The full amount must be paid without deducting any handling fees or other charges.

  6. Remittance information:

    • BANKNAME:E.Sun Commercial Bank, Ltd., Taipei, Taiwan

    • Swift Code:ESUNTWTP

    • Beneficiary Name:G-EIGHT Co.,LTD

    • Beneficiart's Account:0314-879-089462

    • Bank Address:No.339,Sec. 1, Dunhua S. Rd.,Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106063 , Taiwan

    • Branch:Dunnan Branch

1.4.Cancellation Policy

  1. Cancellations made 90 days before the event entry start date (i.e., 08/29/2024- 10/12/2024) will receive a 90% refund of the entry deposit fee.

  2. Cancellations made 45 days before the event entry start date (i.e., October 13- October 27, 2024) will receive a 50% refund of the registration deposit.

  3. Cancellations made 30 days before the event entry start date (i.e., October 28~November 26, 2024) will not be eligible for a refund of the registration deposit.

  4. After the event entry start date (i.e., November 27, 2024), the full amount cannot be refunded.

  5. If an exhibitor decides to cancel their application, the deposit paid will not be refunded; the deposit paid cannot be claimed against any other fees.

Last updated