5. Construction Precautions, Labor Safety, and Health Management

  1. Occupying the public area outside the exhibition center for decorative work is strictly prohibited. The floor of the construction area and the area for stacking apparatus and materials will be covered with protective pavement; the use of steel nails on the floor is strictly prohibited.

  2. Booth decorations should be securely fastened or fixed. If a booth collapses and causes damage to the life, body, or property of a third party or environmental facilities, the exhibitor shall be fully responsible for the damages.

  3. All companies entering the exhibition area to perform work, including moving exhibits and decorating supplies, are required to wear helmets and take adequate safety measures to comply with the Labor Safety and Health Act and other related laws and regulations. The exhibitor shall be liable for any damages caused to the life, body, or property of a third party or to the environment if the work is not conducted in accordance with the law.

  4. The use of electric saws, spray paint, and welding are strictly prohibited.

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