2.Unloading Area Control

1) Vehicles are prohibited from entering the exhibition hall and may only be parked in the unloading area. Vehicles entering the unloading area must turn off their engines when they arrive.

2) Trucks carrying decorations etc. shall enter the exhibition hall in accordance with the time and order scheduled by the applicant team. The organizer may prohibit the vehicle from entering the exhibition hall in accordance with the conditions if the scheduled time is not adhered to.

3) During the exhibition period (including bump-in and bump-out periods), security guards will be responsible for issuing and returning temporary parking permits at designated guard posts.

4) Vehicle weight limit: 15 tons on the tarmac in the unloading area of the Glamour Pavilion and 3.5 tons on the unloading platform.

5) The unloading area is only open to trucks with parking permits for unloading. Overnight parking is prohibited. No passenger cars or motorcycles are allowed to enter.

Last updated