1.Booth Design Instructions

  1. Regarding the four-panel Epic package, six-panel Legendary package, and nine-panel Mythic package, the organizer only provides space for the exhibitors. Providing space does not include individual booth partitions or any display equipment or supplies. Exhibitors are responsible for setting up their own booths and exhibits, as well as making appropriate decorations.

  2. For exhibitors who have selected the one-panel Perfect Package or two-panel Rare Package, please contact Mr. Thomas Cheung, Customer Service (2b@geight.io), if you plan to decorate the booth yourself. Please note that if you choose to decorate the booth yourself, the program fees will not change. The organizer will only retain the basic electricity and socket provision, and will restore the booth to a bare ground condition, excluding any customization or adjustment of the original decorations. If you decide to decorate your own booth, please carefully read and submit the relevant documents on time.

  3. The area of each booth is 3M*3M. The organizer will mark the booth area on the ground before entering the venue. Please note that booth construction, exhibits, and decorative items (including signboards, flags, potted plants, carpets, floodlights, etc.) should not exceed the space within the baseline outline on the booth floor.

  4. Exhibitors with booth design and decoration needs can obtain a list of supporting vendors from the organizer.

Last updated