3.Booth Design Review Regulations and Guidelines

  1. Booth Design Review Requirements

    1. Booth decorations are limited to 3.5 meters in height (including the exhibit display and booth partition); signs can be up to four meters in height at the exhibitor’s discretion.

    2. The length of the continuous enclosed wall must not exceed nine meters in the case of aisle-facing booth decorations. The wall’s construction length must be less than 50% of the length of the booth facing the aisle.

    3. If the span of a structure located above a stall exceeds six meters, proper support should be provided to ensure the stability and safety of the structure. If the structure is visually sagging, this is considered a serious offense; the stall may be closed, and immediate improvement may be required. If it is not possible to install proper supports, then structural calculations and a booth design layout certified by a structural engineer are required to prove the structure’s safety.

  2. Special Decoration: Television Wall Review Requirements

    1. For heights below 2.5 meters, the front face must be at least one meter away from or at an oblique angle with at least 30 degrees to the pitch baseline. For heights exceeding 2.5 meters, the maximum height shall not exceed four meters; the front face must be at least two meters away from or at an oblique angle with at least 30 degrees to the pitch baseline.

    2. The TV wall should be equipped with anti-tipping features (additional side brackets, fixed steel cables, nylon ropes). The base of the TV wall should be padded with steel plates to avoid uneven force or collapse when shaken by an earthquake. Exhibitors shall be responsible for the full responsibility of damage indemnification.

    3. For installing and removing TV walls, a working platform should be set up if personnel are working at a height of more than two meters. The platform treads should be fully covered. Vertical safety nets should be hung around the platform or safety cables should be set up so that personnel can wear safety belts; safety belts should be hooked up (the above method can only be used when the platform height is more than 3.8 meters). Other measures should be taken to prevent personnel from falling.

    4. Film screening must align with the theme of the exhibition or event and must not violate good customs.

  3. Booth Design Layout Review Payment Schedule: Exhibitors are requested to submit their booth design layout by October 15, 2024 (Tue). The organizer will reply by October 20, 2024 (Sun). Designs must be submitted before the specified deadline to ensure the smooth progress of the review process. If the review is not approved due to late submission of the design drawings and the pavilion is required to dismantle the building, the exhibitor shall be responsible for the full dismantling cost and related expenses. The organizer shall not be responsible for any inconvenience or additional costs incurred due to late submission or non-compliance of designs.

  4. Submission: Please provide all aspects of your booth design, including front, side, top, and bird's eye views, to ensure that the organizer can assess the design in a comprehensive manner. The design drawings should be in 3D format to ensure formality and accuracy. Please provide a grid or dimensional drawing to enable the organizer to assess whether the size and scale of the design meet the requirements.

  5. Submitted designs should represent the final versions. The organizer reserves the right to request an exhibitor to make adjustments if their on-site set-up does not conform to the submitted design; the exhibitor shall bear all costs associated with such adjustments.

Last updated