Booth Setup

  1. The organizer reserves the right to determine whether the location, arrangement, safety, and appearance of all exhibits meet exhibition standards. If not, the organizer may require the exhibitor to reposition, set up, or redecorate exhibits or booths. The organizer shall not be liable for any costs incurred by the exhibitor and reserves the right to move or adjust the exhibits as necessary.

  2. If the applicant team plans to install its own TV on the back panel of the booth (only for those provided by the organizer), please read [Attachment 4, Explanation for additional booth equipment application] and complete the application for "Reinforced Wall Structure" in the [Additional Equipment Application] on the G-EIGHT Exhibitors' Site by October 31 (Thu), 2024. Upload the application form with the payment for the corresponding fee within the specified period. The exhibitor shall not install a TV independently without submitting the application. If equipment is damaged or collapsed as a result, the exhibitor shall bear full responsibility for damages.

  3. Exhibitors are only allowed to display and use their own booths; they are not allowed to display any promotional items or post any promotional materials outside of their booths (such as in public facilities or on walls and columns). The organizer has the right to request exhibitors to make immediate improvements to comply with these regulations; if the exhibitor does not make improvements after several attempts at persuasion, the organizer has the right to stop their activity; exhibitors will not be refunded for the fees they have already paid.

  4. Lighting, sound, and related auxiliary equipment and facilities required for activities shall be the responsibility of the exhibitors. If there is a need to use the on-site equipment, the use of such equipment shall be approved by the organizer, and the equipment shall be returned and restored to its original condition. Any shortages or damages shall be compensated by the exhibitors or compensated at cost. If there is any shortage or damage, the exhibitor should compensate for it according to the price.

  5. Advertisement content submitted by the applicant team should conform to the following principles. If any violation occurs, the applicant team shall be responsible for legal liability:

    1. The Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act, Tobacco and Alcohol Control Act, Tobacco and Alcohol Control Act Enforcement Regulations, and other related laws and regulations, public order and morals, distortion of facts, untruthfulness, advertisements, etc. distort the truth, advertising inaccurately or affect the public's perception or the image of the government or organization.

    2. For those that must be approved or licensed by the competent authorities (e.g., publications, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, etc.), the hirer shall obtain the approval or license; the approval or license number shall be set forth following the regulations.

    3. Pornography, sensationalism, gore, horror, violence, disgusting scenes, malicious attacks, or other negative messages are strictly prohibited.

  6. Literature or displays that contain potentially offensive material should be disclosed in advance. However, materials depicting sexual assault/non-consensual sex, underage activities, bestiality, alcohol and drug abuse, or self-harm are strictly prohibited. If any materials meet these criteria, they will be banned from the event.

  7. Posters and literature designed by the exhibitors should align with the good morals of society. The organizer reserves the right to request the exhibitors to make improvements if deemed necessary.

Last updated