2. Decoration Limitations

  1. The interior decoration of the exhibition hall is limited to plywood, carpets, curtains, and other decorative materials with fireproof labels; fireproof treatments are prohibited in the exhibition booths. If failure to comply with the above regulations results in damage to the life, body, or property of a third party or damage to environmental facilities, the applicant team and contractor shall be jointly and severally liable for damages.

  2. Water-based paint should be used for painting. The floor should not be contaminated during the painting process. PVC cloth or plywood should be used to cover the floor before this work is performed. Dumping leftover paint into the toilet bench or toilet bowl is strictly prohibited. Painting utensils should be washed in the designated washing room. Violators will be held responsible for removal and cleaning costs.

  3. To avoid residual adhesive, carpets should be laid with special cloth tape; they should not be stuck directly to the floor with strong adhesives, plastic, or foam double-sided tape, etc. When removing carpet, the tape must be removed and the carpet must be transported from the exhibition hall.

  4. Occupying the public area outside the venue for decorative work is strictly prohibited. The floor of the construction area and the area for stacking equipment and materials will be paved with protective pavement; the use of steel nails on this floor is strictly prohibited.

  5. If booths need to be decorated with wood, decorations should be transported to the exhibition venue for assembly after the construction work is completed in advance (outside the exhibition venue).

  6. The use of chainsaws, spray paint, and welding is strictly prohibited on the premises.

Last updated