2.Labor Safety and Health Management

  • The manufacturer promises to observe the following matters. If there is any violation, it will be handled in accordance with the regulations without objection.

    1. Before the commencement of work, in accordance with the Labor Safety and Health Education and Training Regulations, the Company conducts safety and health education and training for its employees, including supervisors, operators, business support personnel, and subcontracted laborers, which is necessary for work and disaster prevention.

    2. Before operations, automatic safety and hygiene inspections are performed, and records are kept for reference.

    3. Operators of dangerous or specialized machinery and equipment must be trained and certified to perform their tasks. For example, operators of mobile cranes, forklifts, and boilers must hold a valid operator training certificate. Similarly, workers engaging in hoisting operations with lifting equipment must have a certificate of completion for hoisting operations training.

    4. Application for authorization shall be made in accordance with the regulations when carrying out special hazardous operations such as high-voltage power line operations, elevated operations, and flaming operations.

    5. Work on construction platforms and structures over five meters tall shall be designed by a full-time engineer or a designated person in accordance with the principles of structural mechanics and based on the maximum loads expected during construction.

    6. Safety equipment should be installed in accordance with the regulations when working on a site with a height difference of more than 1.5 meters.

    7. Fall prevention facilities such as guardrails, covers, safety nets, and safety belts should be installed in accordance with the regulations at workplace edges and openings (including catwalks) with a height difference of more than two meters.

    8. If workers may fall if they are working at a height of more than two meters, set up a workbench by erecting a work frame or other means.

    9. Fences and other warning signs shall be erected in areas where work is being performed and where the normal movement of persons is impeded.

    10. The ladder to be used shall comply with the following requirements:

      1. Sturdy construction.

      2. The material must not be significantly damaged or corroded.

      3. The angle between the foot of the ladder and the ground should be within 75 degrees. There should be a tie between the two feet.

      4. There must be a safe ladder surface.

    11. Special effects or live or open flames must be approved by the Museum before they are used.

    12. Standing on the forks of a forklift is strictly prohibited.

    13. Items including lighting, sound, stage, props, scenery, wreaths, etc., must not be placed in front of firefighting facilities, escape signs, or escape routes.

    14. A contractor's on-site personnel shall supervise the work at the work site and shall not be absent from their duties.

    15. For any work that may generate dust, sparks, organic solvents, or other conditions that could potentially trigger the fire protection system equipment, exhibitors must apply for temporary fire protection system isolation as per the requirements outlined in the application form.

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