6. Audio Equipment and Volume Control

  1. If audio equipment is installed inside a booth, the speakers must be oriented toward the booth's interior, not toward the aisle or neighboring booths. Non-compliance will result in the organizer requesting the exhibitor to make necessary improvements to adhere to these regulations. Failure to comply after repeated requests may result in the organizer halting the activity; the exhibitor will forfeit any right to a refund of the exhibition fee.

  2. Exhibitors using sound amplification equipment during the event must comply with the organizer's rules and regulations: this mandates that sound levels should not surpass 57 decibels. Any breach of these 18regulations will result in a fine or compensation, with all related costs to be borne by the exhibitor.

  3. If the actual sound measurement results violate the regulations, the organizer may request the applicant team to make immediate improvements until the exhibit complies with the regulations; the exhibitor’s team shall be responsible for the related responsibilities in case of violation confirmed by the competent authority regarding noise control.

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