II. Basic Facility Maintenance

  1. Any damage to the floor, walls, columns, or ceilings of the exhibition halls is prohibited.

  2. Exhibitors must handle exhibits and decorations carefully and avoid dragging them on the ground. Please use crates or other supplementary tools for transportation whenever possible. The exhibitor will be responsible for all related costs if the floor is scratched or damaged due to dragging exhibits.

  3. Please ensure that power distribution boxes, water holes, drain holes, taps, and similar installations on floors and wall columns are not covered or blocked. This is essential to maintain accessibility and facilitate maintenance.

  4. Ceilings and light fixtures, indicator lights, air-conditioning, cable ducts, etc., shall not be removed, altered, or hung with decorations, exhibits, or exhibitor lighting fixtures.

  5. The sinks in the exhibition hall toilet facilities are for hand washing only. Oil, leftover tea leaves, shaken drinks, and other food residue should not be poured into sinks. Exhibitors will be held responsible for reinstating them if they violate this rule.

  6. Dismantling or damaging electrical facilities of the exhibition halls is strictly prohibited. Connecting electrical accessories that are incompatible with the electrical facilities of the exhibition halls is also prohibited to avoid overloading or defective equipment that could result in accidents such as tripping the power or causing a fire. All illegal and non-compliant facilities that are seized will be forcibly removed. The cost of removal will be borne by non-compliant exhibitors and decoration vendors. Power supply to non-compliant booths will be stopped.

  7. A water supply is available in the unloading platform area of the exhibition hall for cleaning and maintenance purposes only. For purposes other than maintenance and cleaning, the exhibitor should set up their own sinks and sewage disposal lines (grease traps). They should not wash or dispose of water directly into the gutter. If obstruction or grease contamination is caused, the exhibitor shall be liable for restoration of the original condition. The exhibitor shall also be liable for all extended costs or compensation.

  8. Exhibitors should use the public facilities of Taipei City Flower Expo Park properly. They should be responsible for repairing or compensating for any damage or loss.

Last updated