2. Garbage and Waste Disposal

  1. Bump-in Period:

    1. Exhibitors shall remove construction waste and packing materials daily. They shall not place these materials in the exhibition facilities, event venues, unloading areas, parking areas, or related spaces that might obstruct traffic and safety.

    2. Exhibitors shall be responsible for the complete removal of any overdue waste at their own expense. Exhibitors shall be responsible for compensation if the subsequent operations of the exhibition are affected by overdue waste.

  2. During the Exhibition:

    1. Garbage generated by exhibitors during the exhibition period shall be removed daily. This waste shall not be deposited in the exhibition facilities, event venues, loading and unloading areas, parking areas, or related spaces.

    2. Exhibitors shall be responsible for the cleanliness and maintenance of the exhibition facilities, event venues, loading and unloading areas, parking areas and related spaces.

  3. Bump-out Period:

    1. Exhibitors shall be responsible for the cleanliness and maintenance of the exhibition facilities, event venues, loading and unloading areas, parking areas, and related spaces. They shall restore them to their original condition after the exhibition period is over.

    2. Exhibitors shall be responsible for completely removing any overdue waste at their own expense. Exhibitors shall be responsible for compensation if subsequent exhibition operations are affected by overdue waste.

  4. Exhibitors shall remove exhibit products, decorations, and waste from the exhibition hall (both inside and outside) before their bump-out time. Exhibitors shall be fully responsible for any legal disputes or damages arising therein.

Last updated