3. Restoration and Property Clearance

  1. Exhibitors, their employees, representatives, or any other persons authorized by the exhibitors to enter the venue must restore it to its original condition after the event. Exhibitors must inspect the venue together with the organizer to ensure it has been properly restored. If any damage is identified, exhibitors are required to complete the necessary repairs within one week after the event.

  2. Exhibitors, their employees, representatives, and other persons permitted to enter a venue by the venue user shall vacate before the expiration or termination of the use period. If an exhibitor fails to vacate the premises by the agreed time, the exhibitor shall be liable to pay a late fee according to the time the premises were vacated.

  3. All items brought to the exhibitor's premises by an exhibitor or its employees and representatives must be removed from the premises before the use period expires or termination.

  4. If an exhibitor or other person leaves an object in the exhibition hall without following the preceding regulations, the Taipei City Club Property Development Foundation may, at its own discretion, remove or store the object and order its retrieval within a certain time period. At its sole discretion, the Taipei City Property Development Foundation may remove or store the object and order that it be retrieved within a specified period. The exhibitor shall calculate and pay the overdue rental fee for removing and storing such objects following the "Taipei City Flower Expo Park Exhibition Hall Space Charging Standards" when the objects are taken back.

  5. If an exhibitor fails to retrieve the item before the deadline, the item shall be regarded as abandoned and disposed of by the Foundation. All costs for removal and storage of the item shall be paid for by the exhibitor.

  6. If the organizer deems that an object brought into the venue by an exhibitor or its employees or representatives is dangerous or likely to cause nuisance or public safety, the organizer may request the exhibitor to remove the object from the venue or move it to the designated premises. The exhibitor shall immediately remove the object or make appropriate arrangements for it to be removed.

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